Wednesday, February 23, 2011

DinnellaCraftsDesigns is online and operational :

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  1. Dinn-Web- Guru Tricks an Tips 2/25/11

    What is assistive technology?
    assistive meaning just that to help someone do something they can't do on there own. There many devices some electronic some not. I found one today of all places in King Kullen for a reasonable price $6.00 it is called (Glowing Keyboard Stickers) if you have vision issues this may help you. It is also good to restore warn out keyboards and make them like new. It takes a few minutes to put on and might need help if you have RA or visions problems if you have a smart pre-teen they may enjoy helping you putting them on correct places on the key board
    or look for in King Kullen

  2. YouTube News
    Congratulations, mariettadinn1! With your first video now uploaded, you're ready to go even deeper into the YouTube experience. Here are some tips to help get you started. Won 4 items for business

    Facebook Page update:

    15monthly active users2 since last week
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    Manta Asks?
    The Manta Editorial Team
    Q: How many cold calls should I make a day?
    --Marcus Neasey
    A: The number of cold calls you need to make will depend on the outcomes you want to achieve and your skill level.

    Consider this: In a study I once heard quoted...a person can make about 125 outbound dials during an eight-hour day..
    Dinnellacrafts Marietta Dinnella
    Check this video out -- DinnellaCrafts Production 1.xxxxx.wmv… via @youtube
    4 hours ago
    Other News:
    Ordered new Business Cards through

    Inspiration of the week comes from:
    n John 2:24 we read, "But Jesus did not commit Himself to them." The word commit is the same word that is translated "faith" or "believe" in other places in the Bible. It gives us additional insight concerning the concept of faith in the Bible.
    Google application used today was Documents,templates.
    New Link found:
